The New Era of Solar Energy: Owning Your Panels and Your Roof

The popularity of solar panels has grown year on year, although, few still believe that the installation of solar panels is not of benefit to them, this is mostly down to out-of-date schemes. Early schemes offered homeowners who could not afford solar panels, the opportunity to have free solar installations, however, there were strings attached…

The roof-lease schemes were designed to make solar energy more accessible by eliminating upfront costs. Companies would install the panels for free, and in return, they would collect the subsidies and payments for the generated electricity. This scheme was marketed to homeowners primarily as a way to reduce their energy bills, but it came with a significant downside: they would no longer have ownership of their roof.

The good news is, this scheme ended in 2019! Today, homeowners have the opportunity to fully own their solar installations, ensuring complete control of the benefits.

Since the termination of these schemes, the landscape has changed. Homeowners now have the opportunity to purchase and fully own their solar panels, reaping all associated benefits. Here’s why owning your solar panels is a game-changer:

  • Increased Property Value: If you choose to sell your solar panels with your home, it can make your home more attractive to potential buyers. Unlike, the leased systems, owned panels can increase the value of your home.

  • Full Financial Benefits: When you own your solar panels, you’ll enjoy all the savings on your electricity bills. Additionally, you can benefit from government incentives, like feed-in tariffs or tax credits, which were previously claimed by leasing companies.

  • Complete Control: Owning your panels means you have full control over your roof and the solar system. You can maintain, upgrade, or modify the system as needed, without being tied down by restrictive contracts.

If you are considering installing solar panels, ensure you understand the terms and conditions or opt to purchase the panels outright. Although, there are other government grants available to help with purchasing your panels, it is crucial to note that these can still give you full ownership of your roof and solar system. By installing solar panels you can secure long-term savings, increase your property’s value, and contribute to a sustainable future.

For those who previously entered roof-lease agreements, explore options to buy out the lease. This can provide the same benefits as owning the panels from the start and eliminate any restrictions on your property.

The era of roof-leasing in Northern Ireland has passed, and today, the focus is on building a sustainable future for the country as well as empowering homeowners with full ownership of their solar installations. Invest in your solar panels, and truly own your roof and the benefits that come with it.

Owning your roof and Solar Panels Northern Ireland

For more insights and details on the implications of solar panel ownership, visit The Property Buying Company and The Guardian.


Covering the Cost of Solar Panels